An Introducing the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science

The department of sport science of Qom University is one of the educational departments under the supervision of the faculty of literature and human sciences, which was established in 1997. Its activity started with limited facilities and some few professors who were usually visiting professor, then the academic staffs were gradually recruited and completed, and now the sports science department has 12 full-time academic staffs. (One associate professor of sports physiology, 9 assistant professors who are expert in  sports physiology, sports management, movement behavior and sports biomechanics and one lecturer in sports pathology, 10 of whom are men and 2 are women).

In terms of   the sports   science department, the history of the department, the number of accepted courses and the number of students during these courses should be noted as below:

Diploma and   B.A  level: accepted courses include one educational  course in 1997 and 9 pure physical education courses and another one  pure physical education course in 1998, and then , after a 5-year break, from 2003, the admissions  of bachelor's students started again and it continues. Also, in 2003, A Diploma level to B.A level course has been accepted.

Master's level: After the approval of the ministry of Science, Research and Technology in 2013 this department established  two new majors :the Pure Sport  Physiology  and  in 2015,  the field of Leisure Time Management and Recreational Sports, started accepting  master students in both genders men and women so far, more than 200 academic dissertations  have been written by the master's students of this department  since then.

          :The faculty members of this department are as following professors

Head of Department

Department Members