• Apr 25 2024 - 10:14
  • - number of visits : 151
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The conference entitled Analysis of Middle East Transformations from the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood to the Operation True Promise was held at the University of Qom

The conference entitled "Analysis of Middle East Transformations from the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood to the Operation True Promise" was held attended by Hujjat al-Islam Sheikh Hassan al-Baghdadi, a member of the Central Council of Hezbollah Lebanon, at the University of Qom.

According to the Public Relations Department of Qom University, the conference on the analysis of Middle East transformations from the Al-Aqsa Flood to the True Promise was organized by the Scientific and International Collaborations Group of Qom University in collaboration with the Office of the Supreme Leader's Representative at Qom University and the International Assembly of al-Qademon.


Dr. Norouzi, the head of the Supreme Leader's Office at Qom University, addressed the conference stating: "We live in a world where, on the one hand, we are ashamed that for about seven to eight months, an oppressed nation is attacked every day by a malicious regime. In a century that claims to uphold human rights and animal rights, we witness widespread massacres with audacity for more than seven months, and the international community either remains silent, becomes complicit, or aids and abets. However, on the other hand, we take pride in living in a country and nation where this level of injustice is not tolerated, and we do not accept this oppression in any position in Iran. Today, a disgrace has befallen the global community that cannot be cleansed by any means. We will not ignore this oppression, and we are grateful to God that we have demonstrated this in the Operation True Promise to the whole world. We are not supposed to confront arrogance; we are merely making efforts, and the divine eternal power will provide assistance, and it will stand against this arrogance until its destruction, God willing."


Sheikh Hassan al-Baghdadi, a member of the Central Council of Hezbollah Lebanon, also addressed the conference stating: "Today, our discussion is about the transformations from the Al-Aqsa Flood to the True Promise. We cannot directly address the Al-Aqsa Flood because the issue of confrontation with Israel dates back to the formation of Israel. Since 1914, during World War I, this issue began when the Western coalition eliminated the Ottoman Empire and took action to establish this regime, which was formed in 1948 as the Zionist regime. Since the formation of Israel, the resistance has been expressed in various forms, but it has not been the same from the beginning and has taken various forms. The resistance was very weak at the beginning and took shape in those initial stages, but a turning point occurred, and that was the victory of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Revolution led by Imam Khomeini in 1979."


He added: "Unfortunately, Iran was the only sincere country that stood alongside Palestine, while the other countries either remained silent or cooperated with the Zionist regime in some way. This led to the formation of this cooperation against Iran, which resulted in the eight-year war against Iran, led by Saddam, but the instigators of this war were the Western governments and countries. Since the victory of the Revolution, Iran has sought to cut off the hands of foreigners from the country and the region. The most prominent figure here is Israel. You write Israel, but read it as the American base in the Middle East. Iran must fight against Israel and destroy it to put an end to America's presence in the region, but Iran cannot start this war and directly initiate it. Therefore, strengthening resistance in Islamic countries has been pursued, and one of them was Lebanon."

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  • news code : 2687