The second issue of Iran International and Comparative Law Journal (IJICL) was published

The second issue of Iran International and Comparative Law Journal (IJICL) was published

The second issue of Iran International and Comparative Law Journal (IJICL) was published.

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 University of Qom is ranked 14th in the country in ranking in the field of chemistry

University of Qom is ranked 14th in the country in ranking in the field of chemistry

According to the report presented by the Research Director of the University of Qom, in the 2024 ranking, the University of Qom has placed 14th in the country in the field of chemistry.

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 The Journal of Engineering Management and Soft Computing of University of Qom has been indexed in ISC

The Journal of Engineering Management and Soft Computing of University of Qom has been indexed in ISC

The Journal of "Engineering Management and Soft Computing" of University of Qom has been indexed in ISC

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 The Journal of Philosophical Theological Research has been recognized as a Q2 journal in the recent evaluation of Scimago

The Journal of Philosophical Theological Research has been recognized as a Q2 journal in the recent evaluation of Scimago

The Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, published by University of Qom, has been recognized as a Q2 journal in the recent evaluation by Scimago.

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Never forget the historical memory of the people and the struggles that have taken place
The Bolivian ambassador to Iran, during her visit to Qom University, emphasized:

Never forget the historical memory of the people and the struggles that have taken place

Romina Pérez, the Bolivian ambassador to Iran, said to the students at Qom University: "Never forget the historical memory of the people and the struggles that have taken place, and in this matter, the younger generation and students play a fundamental role; because they must recover the experiences of the struggles of previous generations who have stood against imperial powers, especially the United States, in the region and around the world

The areas of cooperation between University of Qom and Shanghai International Studies University were discussed

The areas of cooperation between University of Qom and Shanghai International Studies University were discussed

Professor Chang Tong, the Dean of the School of Asian and African Studies, Professor Jiang Hebi, the Dean of the Law School, and Dr. Liu Huiyi, the Head of the Persian Language and Iranian Studies Department at SISU (Shanghai International Studies University), examined the areas of collaboration between the two universities in a meeting with the President of University of Qom.